Is It Worth To Repair Air Conditioning?

It can sometimes be challenging to determine whether it is worth repairing or replacing an air conditioner. In this case, you should consider diverse perspectives and evaluate several factors before making a decision, as air conditioner repair and replacement can be an expensive and significant choice. Get in touch with a professional expert to help understand whether you must replace or opt for an AC repair in San Luis Obispo.

Factors To Consider When Contemplating Whether It Is Worth Repairing Or Replacing An AC

Here are some crucial factors to consider to determine whether it is worth repairing or replacing your air conditioning appliance:

Life Expectancy

It is usually not worth repairing if your air conditioning appliance is more than ten to fourteen years old. Nevertheless, if you look after your device well by scheduling regular maintenance, your air conditioning machine might still be in good condition, but internal parts could eventually die soon. The old age of your device is a sign that it is not worth repairing your cooling device.

Costs Of Repair

It is one of the most crucial things to consider, and you must weigh the age and the repair expenses. For instance, if your air conditioner is only four years old and the repair expense is $900, it is worth the repairs as you should get numerous years out of it. Nevertheless, if the machine is over ten to twelve years old and repairs cost $900, you should consider replacing it rather than repairing it. In addition, it is prudent to adhere to the 50 percent rule, and it is better to replace your cooling device if the repairs are equivalent to 50% of its worth. Furthermore, the $5,000 principal is another worthwhile rule. Stretch the cost of the needed repairs by the maturity level of your cooling unit. If the expense surpasses $5,000, it’s time to consider replacements and repairs are not worth it.

Repair Intensity

Air conditioning devices that need frequent upkeep may imply that it’s time to replace them. Is your cooling system regularly making a loud noise, breaking down, or not sufficiently cooling your home? Replace it as repairs might not fix the issue and are not worth the effort.

R-22 Coolant

You may have seen that older cooling and heating appliances use R-22 refrigerant, while the newly developed ones use R-410a. Since R-22 coolant has become an outdated technology, the cost has skyrocketed up to five times higher. So if your old AC has R-22 refrigerant and the repair expenses are considerably high, go for a unit replacement.


If you are looking for an expert air conditioner service near me, our experts at Pacific Heating and Sheet Metal are always there for you. At Pacific Heating and Sheet Metal, we are an exceptional heating and cooling company and can assist you in saving money on your air conditioning repair, installation, or replacement.

To learn more about our professional air conditioning assistance, call us at (805) 254-7619.

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