4 Tips To Prepare Your Air Conditioner For Summer Vacation

You might want to get your air conditioner ready for the hot weather as you get ready to travel for your summer vacation. Leaving your air conditioner on with standard settings could increase your utility costs. However, turning it off is not always a good idea. By reading on, discover which configuration options work best when you are on vacation.

4 Tips For Air Conditioner Preparation Before Summer Vacation.

  • Increase The Temperature

There is no justification for running your AC the same way while you are away from home. A simple strategy to reduce your energy costs and lessen the wear and tear on your home is to raise the thermostat.

Arrange your smart programmable thermostat so that on the day of your return, the temperature will adjust to one that is more comfortable. Setting your thermostat to roughly 80 degrees or a little higher is a smart move while you’re away from home.

  • Surge Defense

While you can’t predict what will happen while you’re away, you can plan for it. While you’re away, there may be a storm, a significant power outage, or even a brief power surge that could damage your HVAC system. The main purpose here is risk management and to prevent emergency repair.

  • Replace Your Air Filter

Fresh air filters should always be present in your air conditioner, which is especially important when you’re away from home. Installing a fresh air filter before you’re away can ensure that your unit operates efficiently. It’s one of the simple things you can do during an AC tune-up in San Luis Obispo to improve your air conditioner’s performance.

  • You Should Clean Your Unit

A clean AC unit should have a clean air filter. Before you leave, devote 15 to 30 minutes of your day to cleaning your air conditioner. It will increase the efficiency of your cooling system just before you go.

The most straightforward approach to ensure that your unit will function effectively while away is to ensure it is in top condition before you go.

Hire Professionals To Perform Maintenance.

Even after cleaning your unit, you should have an AC tune-up in San Luis Obispo before you leave. The worst time for an HVAC issue to arise is while you’re traveling.

Only an HVAC expert can detect any underlying issues with your unit. Therefore, arrange for a brief inspection by an AC specialist before you depart to identify any issues that could arise.

This advice also focuses on prevention, so why not consider a quick and straightforward maintenance visit if you can avert the worst-case situation by avoiding expensive repairs? Hire professional services, so your air conditioner is maintained properly.


If you are on the search for the best air conditioner service near me, look no further than Pacific Heating & Sheet Metal. Contact us at 805-772-4404 to hire professional technicians for HVAC repairs, replacements, maintenance, and other services. Contact us today.

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